Sandy Britches

Team Captain: Kelly Studer

Team Schedule:


All Events:

Click on the Event Name to view scores.

Sand Ninjas vs Sandy Britchessummer-recreational-sunday ($270.00)
Sandy Britches vs Long Shotssummer-recreational-sunday ($270.00)
Sandy Britches vs Misfitssummer-recreational-sunday ($270.00)
Long Shots vs Sandy Britchessummer-recreational-sunday ($270.00)
Sandy Britches vs Setters of Catansummer-recreational-sunday ($270.00)
Here To Serve vs Sandy Britchessummer-recreational-sunday ($270.00)
Sandy Britches vs Ball Me Blazersummer-recreational-sunday ($270.00)
Grace Life Lolligaggers vs Sandy Britchessummer-recreational-sunday ($270.00)
Sandy Britches vs Sand Ninjassummer-recreational-sunday ($270.00)
Misfits vs Sandy Britchessummer-recreational-sunday ($270.00)
Sandy Britches vs Here To Servesummer-recreational-sunday ($270.00)
Setters of Catan vs Sandy Britchessummer-recreational-sunday ($270.00)
Sandy Britches vs Grace Life Lolligaggerssummer-recreational-sunday ($270.00)
Ball Me Blazer vs Sandy Britchessummer-recreational-sunday ($270.00)

No Team Member Were Found

Team pending invites:

  • Zach McMichael
  • Jim Haley
  • Keith Bare
  • Teresa Baisden
  • Kyle Schaper
  • kari jenkins

Were you invited to this team and need to join the roster? Take a moment to sign the waiver.

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