We bump, set, and spike, but always start with SERVING!!!!!
Making a difference in the world with sand volleyball.
Our History
Since 2011
New Albany Sand Volleyball is a ministry of Grace Life Nazarene Church in New Albany, Ohio, The league was started in 2011 and has grown rapidly due to the support of many area churches, including but not limited to Jersey Baptist, New Life Baptist, New Albany Presbyterian, New Albany Methodist, Westerville Community Church, Westerville Nazarene and local community teams. All league and tournament matches are played on two sand volleyball courts located at 6000 Johnstown Rd. New Albany, OH. Some of the leagues are constructed to provide childcare to minister to children while couples have a chance to enjoy playing together with other couples. All league games are started with prayer and emphasize Christian values, safety, fellowship, and love of sand volleyball. The league uses all league funds to support the sand volleyball program and to support various charities each year. The program has donated over $20,000 since its inception to programs such as Haiti Water program, Lower Lights Ministry, Eyes Wide Open International, Adaptive Sports Connection, Westerville Area Resource Ministry, Grace Life Scholarship Fund, Kairos Prison Ministry and provided funding for our inaugural Mission Grant Program which funded 5 different projects. This year we hope to continue to support the Grace Life Scholarship Fund, Missional Grant Program and fund a new and exciting ministry Lifeline's Feeding the Hungry program that will offer an opportunity for players to get involved to package food for hungry around the world. We are also looking at funding The Wardrobe ministry The Wardrobe is a mobile clothing boutique designed to serve those in need of clothing in the Westerville and surrounding areas.
League Managers
University Scholarships Available!
Scholarship Program
Thanks to our sponsoring church, Grace Life Nazarene Church, we are now able to offer scholarships to qualifying students. Click on the link below for more information and an application for the scholarship.
Other Organizations We've Supported
Lower Lights Ministries
Haiti Water Project
Westerville Area Resource Ministry
Adaptive Sports Connection
Eyes Wide Open International
Grace Life Scholarship Fund
Kairos Prison Ministry
Mission Grant Program-Funding 5 different awards
All matches are held at Grace Life Nazarene Church.
Forms & Downloads
Our Sponsors

Churches that have supported New Albany Sand Volleyball include Grace Life Nazarene Church, New Albany Methodist Church, New Albany Presbyterian Church, Jersey Baptist Church, New Life Baptist Church, and Westerville Christian Church.