Team Schedule:


All Events:

Click on the Event Name to view scores.

OverHyped vs Rolling Thunderspring-competitive-thursday-2022 ($80.00)
Rolling Thunder vs Daniel & Lisaspring-competitive-thursday-2022 ($80.00)
Rolling Thunder vs Arm and Hammerspring-competitive-thursday-2022 ($80.00)
Rolling Thunder vs Derek & TBDspring-competitive-thursday-2022 ($80.00)
Setters of Catan vs Rolling Thunderspring-competitive-thursday-2022 ($80.00)
Team Opitz vs Rolling Thunderspring-competitive-thursday-2022 ($80.00)
OverHyped vs Rolling Thunderspring-competitive-thursday-2022 ($80.00)
Rolling Thunder vs Arm and Hammerspring-competitive-thursday-2022 ($80.00)
OverHyped vs Rolling Thunderspring-competitive-thursday-2022 ($80.00)
Cook/Hand vs Rolling Thunderspring-competitive-thursday-2022 ($80.00)
Rolling Thunder vs Daniel & Lisaspring-competitive-thursday-2022 ($80.00)
Rolling Thunder vs Team Opitzspring-competitive-thursday-2022 ($80.00)
Double Trouble vs Rolling ThunderSpring Thursday
Handy Cooks vs Rolling ThunderSpring Thursday

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