Summer Competitive Thursday

League Manager:

6 on 6
Registration Closed

Start date JUNE 2, 2022.  Teams in this league consist of a max of 6 players playing at a time with gender requirements (see website Rules and Regulations for details). Duration of season is 8 weeks ending JULY 21ST. All games played on Thursday evenings between 6:30 and 9:30 pm. Two matches each week. Matches consist of 3 games. Standings reflect games won and lost. Cost is $270 per team which includes 6 team t-shirts (extra cost for additional shirts and all shirts 2XL and larger). League is limited to 6 teams.  Childcare is not available for this league. This league is for experienced and skilled players. Almost all volleys contain bump, set and spikes.

Summer Competitive Thursday 2022

PosTeamWinning %GWGLPts. WonPts. LostPW%
1Block Party81.034884265856.1
2One Hit Wonders73.8311183863856.8
3Can You Dig It? (TC)66.7281481864555.9
5One Hit Wonders (Baker II)19.083460878243.7
6Bagel Bandits0.004244988333.7