Summer Saturday 4 on 4 Recreational 2023

League Manager:

4 on 4

Start date is June 3rd. All matches are played between 9 am and 1 pm on Saturday mornings. This league is 4 on 4 and requires a minimum of 1 female player at all times. Duration of the season is 8 weeks long with no games July 1st. Each week, each team plays two matches. Each match is 3 games rally scoring to 21 for the first 2 games and to 15 for the third game. Standings reflect games won and lost. Cost is $210 per team.  League is limited to 8 teams.This league is for experienced players who may not have the skill or desire to play in Competitive Leagues.

Summer Saturday 4 on 4 Recreational 2023

Summer Saturday 4 on 4 Recreational 2023

PosTeamWinning %GWGLPts. WonPts. LostPW%