Summer Juniors Monday 2023

League Manager: Leonel Lewers

6 on 6

Summer Juniors Monday 2023

Start date JUNE 5th.  Teams in this league consist of a max of 6 players playing at a time. Duration of season is 6 weeks ending July 17th (No matches played on July 3rd). All games played on Monday evenings between 6 pm and 9:30 pm. The first two weeks will be practice and scrimmages to establish teams. Two matches each week. Matches consist of 3 games rally scoring. to 21. Cost is $150 per team.  League is limited to 8 teams.  Childcare is not available for this league. Team shirts are not included in this price. This league is suggest for 6th, 7th and 8th grade boys and girls who do or want to play on school teams. Players may request playing on a team or with certain players. We are looking for coaches either adult or senior high school players.

Individuals can register using the individual registration form and will pay the team captain once they are placed on a team.

Summer Juniors Monday 2023

PosTeamWinning %GWGLPts. WonPts. LostPW%
1Johnstown 7th grade0.000000.0
1Johnstown 8th grade0.000000.0